Let me see if I got the reasoning right.
1) The value of Bitcoin will be driven to huge new highs because Bitcoin will be embraced by all those millions of poor people in Africa. Who don't have any money to begin with. Yeah, right. They will drive the price of Bitcoin up with their bids. That's the ticket.
You confuse money with wealth. Yes they dont have money because their currency is crap, but they have wealth, every single able bodied african can create a product or a service that can be sold to bitcoin.
Bitcoin value is not going up just because USD and EUR as injected into it, it can also go up if products are denominated in BTC and sold in it.
How many slave factories are there in africa where they pay them 10 cent/hour? You know those poor people could do just the same on their own, and get paid in Bitcoins, futhermore they keep all the profits and not share any of it with their slavemaster employers.
I dont know they could just grow vegetables and fruits and sell them inbetween eachother, that could also grow the BTC market cap, it doesnt necesarly have to be FOREX injection.
Wealth is the one that drives up prices not money, the fiat currencies are also a representation of wealth. Just as labour, and other work, can create wealth.
2) They don't have any electricity - but they do have mobile phones. Must be some model mobile phones from an alternate reality - mobile phones that work with coal and steam.
Have you ever heard of batteries ? Its a great invetion, it makes electricity portable, google it if you dont know what it is.
3) Their own currency is unstable and inflating, so they will switch to Bitcoin. And not to US dollars, for instance, which are orders of magnitude more stable. Sure thing.
The USD is in a huge ponzi scheme debt bubble, its days of being a reserve currency are numbered, people will need some alternatives, besides USD transaction comissions are huge, i dont think that poor africans enjoy 10-20 $ comisions, when their daily wage is less than the comission they have to pay.
So yes BTC is better for poor people.
4) Oh, but they cannot switch to US dollars, because of the capital controls. Uh-huh, while switching to Bitcoin will be a breeze. Because the authorities there are stupid and will say "sure, go ahead, feel free to escape inflation and capital controls with Bitcoin, as long as it is not real currency like US dollars or euros". Personal disclosure: I still have some amount of money frozen in Iceland, which introduced capital controls after its economy (banks, really) crashed. Guess what, trading in Bitcoin (as well as in any foreign currency) is prohibited there. (I think it is allowed to sell bitcoins that you have mined yourself but that's about it.) And Iceland is a free and democratic country with lots of protection of personal rights. Imagine how it would be under some tinpot dictatorship.
Yeah like the authorities there will care, they can only seize what they see, sure they can seize banks and other stuff there ,but BTC is more underground, unless they go house to house and check everyone's phone i highly doubt it.
5) M-Pesa was successful because all you needed was an SMS-capable phone (and electricity for it, of course). Not a phone that is capable of doing SHA-256, RIPEM-160, ECC and other crap like that.
Who said that it has to contain the blockchain? Just like smartphones do, you create an online wallet and you only need internet.
Well for older phones you could use the sms technology to send tokens that will validate the transactions, but all BTC will be stored in some online wallet.
If Bitpesa could collaborate with Blockchain.com or Coinbase.com and create an API for SMS transactions then it could work very easily.
6) BitPesa doesn't let you send money to some poor African villager with no electricity. It lets you send bitcoins to one particular company, which promises to deliver Kenyan currency to the recipient of your choice. Tell me again about trustless money transfer with no need for a trusted third party. Still, Bitcoin is indeed suitable for the company that does this - since it allows cheap international money transfer to it. It is not suitable for sending money directly to the poor African villagers with no electricity.
More obstacles, Kenyan currency is only available in Kenya but BTC could be available in all Africa.