Whether it be getting declined for a loan with a major bank that I've banked with over a decade even an above average credit rating, or getting tacked on annual fees on my credit cards at a drop of a dime, continuously getting sent new Debit and Credit cards due to being "compromised" or someone trying to steal my identity....just a plethora of reasons.
Once I learned, read, and found out about Bitcoin, the light bulb lit up in my head, "This is the way money should be in this day and age." No interest rates, No APR's, No ARM's, No chargebacks, no fraudulent charges I have to dispute, no waiting 3-4 days for charges to go through, no credit scores, no ATM fees, no checking and savings fees....
I still have fiat and savings, but the percentage of my investments and net worth is sliding over to BTC at a rapid rate.
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