I think they were trying to communicate how rapidly the coin has grown. This is a community coin don't forget so don't be too critical of the marketing. This isn't a polished ICO who asks for 5000 sats buy ins. Remember NO premine, developers simply bought along with everyone else. Fact is the price stated at 1 sat for almost no time if you go look at chart. I was one of early buyers at 30 sats and back then you couldn't give it away no one wanted it, thats the reality. Look a bit deeper guys this tech is something revolutionary I think.
I actually find the open and honest communication quite refreshing. I mean what ICO tells you its experimental and could all go wrong? When actually thats a reality for many of them. Look past all this and consider the technological step this coin might be making. Thats all that matters.
And just so people know none of the communication comes directly through the actual developer who is Hungarian with poor English and is deaf.....so expect a few communication hiccups. He did however work at one point with Peter Szabo the famous late Cryptographer with McAfee.