And it's a terrible idea. You spend more on your parents' electricity bill and replacing burnt out GPUs that your parents buy for christmas and birthdays than you actually theoretically make.
Bitcoins are basically just this weird attempt by lolbertarian children to make their own currency and play stock market and dodge taxes.
Yes, because China, who is currently moving most of the money, are all middle class or higher white males and fit your general stereotype perfectly
This comment doesn't even deserve a proper response.
White people are 8% of the world population. White males are about half of that. So either prove less than 4% of bitcoin users are white males or admit you're full of BS.
What is your point? There's absolutely nothing stopping any other races from getting involved in bitcoin.
You sound like the guy always looking to blame someone else. Look! Bitcoin is owned by white people. Rich whitey always keeping us down!
Bitcoins makes sure the rich get richer and the poor stays poor. It's deflationary and rewards hoarders. Those who can afford to hoard them get richer and the poor stays poor.
Cry more. There's plenty of opportunity for poor people to make it in the world today. Bitcoin is no different from any other form of wealth.
Therefore bitcoin is an of opportunity were it be an instrument/tools that can be use to achieve you goal in life. True that rich get richer but "the poor stays poor I beg disagree..Why? even you start doing bitcoin as a poor or can afford for anything, you still have a chance to make your life be prosper as long as you hold on you believing in bitcoin and do the basic step for you to succeed your journey in bitcoin world.