Actually i dont really like something that take a risk, usually i will calculate something to make sure its around 90% like i predicted first then i take an action, so thats why i dont really like gamble especially in internet, the odd is really strange, i already make strategy so to make sure i am in profit but the result is strange. I bet with 50:50 win, but i got result 10 or more lose in row, its not happen once or twice but so many times, if its in reality its impossible to happen to lose 10 in row ten times within two hours.
Are you out of your mind or that you dont know shit about gambling? If you are betting at 50 % chance to win, it doesnt really means you are going to win once then lose the next one. You could get up to infinite number of win or lose even with 50 % chance to win although the odds for that is extremely low
True, some people don't understand what 50% chance is(less than 50% if we want to be correct), and they think if they have 50:50 chance that they will double money or something.
The reasons why gambling so much addictive is maybe because we are just human who want easy money, and think that gamble is easy money. After winning, we never satisfied with that money and be more greedy more crazy. Then we lost the control of ourself. In the end you will realize that you got nothing left.
It is because of the urge of the brain so that the glands there will secret more hormone to satisfy it needs. In return the body react and lost control over ourselves. The body then become to dependent to gambling to alter the mood since the person is easily irritated when he is not gambling.
When you feel euphoria and excitement your brain is releasing chemical called dopamine. More you gamble, harder it become to feel euphoria and excitement and harder for brain to release dopamine, so you need to raise your bet to feel excitement again, so your brain can release more dopamine.