Money drives away every feelings that makes life better. Money is truly powerful
I would say it's not the money itself but the rich families behind it that are the problem. Children of rich families usually stay rich and people of poorer families stay poor, it's hard to escape that cycle. One big factor is of course that rich parents will give a big inheritance of money and properties to their children, so even if the children don't have the most successful jobs they will still stay rich only from their families wealth. Poor families on the other side don't have houses and money they can give their children. With so much money also comes power that the family has. An important concept however I think is to be financially responsible and don't live above your means. It's usually behavior we learn from our parents and if we see that they save money and don't keep making unnecessary purchases, the children are very likely to do the same. That way we can still save some money even if we don't have a good salary. I noticed from friends that are quite poor, that they buy a lot of new gadgets that they don't really need. It would make a lot of sense to wait 1 year and buy the things at a discount. Money is important and we should try to save as much as we can.