That's called educating people. I am educating people about Bitcoin. Because the internet is full of propaganda and lies about Bitcoin. The purpose of propaganda is to extract as much good money(fiat) from the public as possible and dump them bad money (bitcoins). That's why the public must be educated.
I wonder how you people come out of no where and start pushing this weird narrative. Do you just happen to wake up randomly one day convinced you must milk Banks and Fiat and tell every body Bitcoin is bad?
When someone says that bitcoins are just numbers on the screen, the automatic response by the Bitcoin proponents is this: "So are the dollars". They are basically saying that if you trade goods and services for the numbers issued by the Bitcoin system this is like trading them for the numbers issued by the US banking systems. But this is of course not true. Unlike the banking systems, the Bitcoin system doesn't protect holders of its numbers.
You are right and just caught us red handed pretty much. The Dollar protects us so well it lost 95 percent of its value over the past 100 years. Sounds like a very protective Asset.
The so-called Bitcoin miners who initially receive numbers from the system and then trade them for goods and services are not like loan beneficiaries in a banking system. They are not forced by the system to return numbers to the system. So they are not forced to work for Bitcoin holders or sell them goods and services to get the numbers. Even if they got a house for a number, they have zero obligation to return anything to anyone. The whole Bitcoin system is just a giant database showing the past and current number holders. There is literally no one and nothing in the system to protect people by ensuring they get goods and services back.
Did you have to complicate Mining so much? Miners help Bitcoin stay up and running and verify Transactions. They get rewarded for it. Many of them have to often wait for years before the rewards exceed the costs of Mining. We are and should not be owed anything for their work. What do you want? A 5 Dollar Target coupon every Block? A free Lottery Ticket every time you spend? Do you think Miners should be forced to do something? I never heard of some body calling Bitcoin out for not promoting slave labor, this is a Currency promoting FREEDOM.
If you gave your house for bitcoin, the only thing that can save you is someone's good will to enter the system and give you some good or service. If people get bored of bitcoins and don't want to invest in them anymore, you are left with nothing. You gave up your house, and in return you can't even get a haircut.
I can have 1000 Dollars on me and go to a random country that does not have Dollars as legal tender. If I try to get a haircut, I will not be able to unless I found some body good willing and exchanged my Dollars for the local Currency so I can use it locally. Dollars are not magical pieces of paper that are accepted any where. You may argue Dollars can be put on a Debit Card and spent any where in the World. Well, so can Bitcoin. Dollars need to be exchanged to local Currencies, so can Bitcoin.
In fact, you could go to El Salvador and get a haircut for Bitcoin. You make no sense.
But you know what. You stick to your Banks and Dollars, I stick to my Bitcoin and Freedom.