today from home, just enough to have internet access. Crypto trading is not too difficult to learn and information about how to trade crypto is
very easy to get, making it easier for housewives to learn it. Especially in the current pandemic situation, can't just rely on husband's salary,
a housewife can now help her family finances by trading crypto and this is a very good thing.
like me and my wife and i taught crypto about a year ago because it is not very time consuming and unlike a regular job, she really enjoys it and continues to do her job as a housewife apart from getting involved with crypto.
and most importantly our needs are met and can realize what we want and many other benefits.
although men dominate but without us realizing it there are many great women who have influence in the crypto asset industry.
The conclusion is that crypto has helped many families, with crypto trading it can provide an opportunity to make money. And for now not only men
can trade crypto, but women also have the same opportunity to be able to trade crypto. I'm sure there are many great women who are able to
become successful traders, the most important thing is how to analyze the market correctly. Because successful traders have nothing to do with
gender, but experience and knowledge of cryptocurrencies.