We can not deny the big country with good economy, it will make the society economy better too.
So they can follow the economic development and participate in transactions and investments in Bitcoin era.
How the people of small countries can participate in participation and benefit from it?
It would be very difficult to calculate the statistics of users of each country, but the comparison of Bitcoin ATM growth from this early 2017 report can be the initial reference of the statistics.
Perhaps by the end of this year, there will be more Bitcoin ATM growth across the board due to the growing interest in bitcoin this year.
I think because more people from those countries have the capacity to actually spare some of their money or earnings to be used as capital that, in turn, they can actually swallow even in the event of a loss. As compared for people who are in depressed countries that only earn enough, or more often, insufficient for them to even think of alloting part of their money to something that can be, in reality, be as unsure as cryptocurrencies. They would rather alot it to something that are more important like food, shelter and clothing, for they are more critical necessities of life.