I watched a video of Trump claiming K should not be allowed to run for president because she is doing shady, crooked things. From what I've seen on TV and here in the forum, I wonder if all republicans are so clueless about how they are perceived.
In general, Republican politicians are not aware of how they are perceived and do not seem to be self-aware enough to realize if the same moral compass they apply is applied on themselves, they would not pass the test. It reminds me the case of Lauren B, the congresswoman for the Republican party who is completely pro-maga, she claims family values are one of the most important things to hold, while at the same time she does not seem to have a problem getting groped and grope his partner in public and also having a child which is almost a teen, and yet he has already impregnated his girlfriend. Anyone who consider themselves to be a conservative would denounce Lauren B and call out her hipocrisy on applying standards on others which she does not even follow herself and her family.