There's also zero evidence for a Positivistic Universe, but scientists don't seem to mind.
Science is not religion all experimental science is falsifiable, being wrong is a good thing. Unlike Religion where it must be correct and is in fact wrong about almost everything.
The point is that science carries assumptions that it cannot falsify via its own methods.
My favorite unfalsifiable scientific assumption is that light has 0 rest mass. Making this assumption allows scientists to go hog wild in fairy tail land.
Even if science currently carries assumptions that it can not at this time falsify due to our experimental limitations this does not mean that they are not falsifiable and could be tested in the future. Everything we know literally is science, god is ignorance ..everything we do not know or understand is contributed to god.
1) First bolded reference should read, " can not at *any* time falsify..." You cannot falsify the assumption of a Positivist Universe while using methods that already assume the existence of a Positivistic Universe. Shortly put, if at any time someone finds a way to falsify a Positivistic Universe (hint: people have), then it's not via the scientific method (e.g. logic).
2) What about feelings, e.g. warmth? We know that something is warm if we feel it, but science cannot make any claims about warmth, only degrees of temperature.
3) Stating "God is ignorance" is a nonsensical statement. I think you meant something more along the lines of, "Any attempt at gaining knowledge outside the scientific method can only lead to ignorance." This wouldn't be a nonsensical statement, but just a dumb one since even you, right now at this very second, are using other means to acquire knowledge.
I'd also like to point out that, if what you are saying is true, then nobody knew anything at all prior to the development of the scientific method.