To all modsPlease note franky1 is not allowed to post here and placed this in a different section.
Lots of info here. I am tired long day mining driving and real world gear stuff.
I am going to sleep on this.
Please do not delete this I would like to try to unwind it and understand it. Thank you.
Cons - Ordinals may be used as an attack vector for spamming the network, it stores dick pics and fart sounds in the blockchain, and it could open other attack unknown vectors.
a. most miners(asic/workers) dont get fee's, the pools keep amounts equal/above fee's
b. ordinals dont pay fair rate tx fees anyway many are seen paying 0.5sat/byte instead of the rest paying 15sat/byte
c. taking upto all blockspace for one meme does not help utility of bitcoin. it annoys people that 2000tx dont get into the next block but the 1 meme did
d. ordinals in NO way has helped bitcoin. its not even an NFT
e. ordinals that dont get into blocks still push pre-confirm transaction out of potentially getting into blocks by ordinals filling up mempools thus forcing other tx out of mempools when mempools breach a X00mb limit set by their nodes
mining pools take a cut
antpool has two offerings
a. PPLN antpool keeps the tx fee's.. workers take the blockreward
b. PPS+ antpool takes 2% of fees and 4% of blockreward
PPS+ is the offering where a asic worker 'might'(their wish/hope) gain something from fee's, by asking for a bit of the fee's instead of the PPLN option taking the fee's
lets imagine a block of 4mb of 1 meme paying its 0.5sat/byte
thats 0.02btc
antpool(PPS+) takes 0.0004 of tx fee 0.25 of block reward (0.2504 total)
simple math: meme gives 0.02 into the pot. but antpool cuts out 0.254 from the pot. thus workers lose out more if they opt to want a fee share
meaning in both cases antpool keep more then the tx fee if you add it all up and take their cut away in both situations because
b.(PPS+) the fee's from the ordinal are 0.02 but antpool took 0.254 away from asic workser
a.(PPLN) antpool took the 0.02 of the tx fee
thus those asic workers dont gain from increased fees they might aswel just PPLN and just take their share of only the block rewardyep fee's would need to be for a normal average tx payment filled block of 1.5mb be paying 17sat/byte to BREAK EVEN to what a pool owner takes as their cut..
for the workers to then NEED MORE THEN 17sat/byte to then be see a noticable difference to the shared income on PPS+ they get after the pool owners cut
however an average tx of 500bytes@17sat/byte=8500sat =$2.41 which.. is making people not want to use bitcoin as much for payments. thus spiting the users inspite of the workers
what workers actually prefer. is not a fee market rise to get income. but the spot price market rise.. though lemming that want to advertise other networks prefer fee rises to make people hate using bitcoin
I am going to move this to the nft/ordinal thread.
I read this a few times.
I bolded his example of a co opted block..
lets say the pool in his example does 20 blocks in a day.
10 of which are flooded with memes and 10 of which are not.
it is much like my thread done back in 2017. it looks like a strong incentive to not mine with antpool.
you could do a small pool that pays the fees and a pool like viabtc that gives 98% of the fees.
A lot depends if ordinals jack up fees like the 2017 .
Fees need to be large enough in the non ordinal blocks to make ordinals boost mining earnings
Ie 144 blocks 24 with shitty ordinals that follow franky1s idea but 100 with high fees say .4 under current
6.25 reward .
a block with 6.25 + .4 due to other blocks being filled with ordinals means miners get .
96% of the 6.25 and 98% of the .4 fees thats a win for miners but much like 2017 fees will get stupid high.
All of which points to a day of reckoning in the 2056 time slot . I pick that date as I am 99 so I will have reckoned with death 💀 (most likely)
So if ordinals don’t work
and if nfts don’t work
and if frozen stale never used btc is not reclaimed like banks do
the only hope for btc is LN
and LN looks like off book no block chain theft of coins by exchanges like coin base.
It appears BTC will really struggle without a new gimmick. by 2056.