I came to figure out, why would a consumer/customer use Bitcoins?
You have to pay the 3 cent fee, while you dont have to pay anything when paying with a credit card.
So what is really a benefit for using Bitcoins, customer wise?
Since when you dont pay fee's with credit/debit card?
Since I started using them.
First, the store pay taxes to use this service(to get a credit/debit card terminal).
Since when did the store become a customer? Since when did I start caring about the store's expenses?
second, The customer pay a lot of taxes to use all bank services, this include the card(visa/master card dont taxe you, but they taxe the bank and the bank taxe you).
What third world shithole are you from? Here in US, I pay exactly no taxes for the bank services. Last time I got a bill from my bank for using their services was never.
third, a few bitcoin wallets dont taxe you when send/receiving bitcoins... the only problem would be the time to confirm a transaction... maybe some day the solve that.
None of the bitcoin wallets "taxe you." Ir, rather, none tax me. You sure we're using the same bitcoin?
There are a lot other reasons to prefer bitcoin.. but most of it are personal. I prefer, maybe you dont.
Buying CP or paying too much for drugs is about all I can think of