Would you be able to share more information about your experience with AIs and the everyday work that people are doing in the background which we, the users, don't see or know about?
Sure thing, but I 'd like to maintain some privacy, so I will not give away to much information.
I will specifically talk about the AI software engineers, but there are many more professionals and experts in such companies, like DB administrators, lawyers, linguistic analysers, front-end and back-end software engineers, managers etc.
I 'll cover the day-to-day job of an AI engineer.
So the day-to-day life of an AI engineer in company XYZ, is:
1. improve the scraping mechanism that downloads data from the internet. Improve means bug fixes and feature additions.
2. incorporate fresh data into the existing datasets.
3. improve the existing datasets with new features. Could be column additions, or better word tokenisation, or even removing old data if they are deprecated.
4. improve the existing neural networks of the AI models. When adding new data, an AI engineer must make sure that the model will behave well with this data. They could add more layers (CNN, LSTM and many more) to the model, if needed. (note: more layers doesn't mean better model necessarily).
5. improve the existing datasets and models, based on users' feedback and interaction. Have you ever seen the "thumbs-up" icon at the end of each answer of AI chat bots? That's the feedback I am refering to.
6. based on users' questions, bots' answers and users' feedback, the engineer will try to teach the bot to respond better.
There are many more tasks that AI engineers have, but I will limit my answer here, because I think it's evident that people working in AI companies collect the data that the bot is asked. Obviously the bots train themselves as well, but there are always engineers behind them.
Disclaimer: I have a real company in mind, so if anyone from other companies do completely different things, I am not aware. But, most for companies it should be the same.