Next milestone I believe will be $600
Not sure when we'll hit that but not this year. Maybe by the end of the year we can hit $400 again and end the year with that.
Sure. Maybe then will discuss about the impact of bitcoin in the economy of Venezuela and the change of bitcoin with the new and never arrived cryptocoin named Idon'thavename which will be produced from the common trash and from the excrement of the cows raised at the farm of Josh Idon'tknowwhoIam.
So the title of the thread is will bitcoin reach the price of 500 us dollar at November and here are posts which talk for everything other except this thing. For example, the quoted one above predict that the next milestone is 600 us dollar. No time when but he believe that one day that price will arrive. Very argued conclusion and very hard thing to be found. Have more meaning related with the aim of the thread the meaning of this sentence? I think no. Explained everything in full and in clear way; naturally that have to do closely with the reach of the price of bitcoin at 500 us dollar in November. Then the poster go further in is analysis giving more arguments and explanations about the reach of the price of bitcoin at the level of 500 us dollar at November writing that him's prediction (without being sure) can be arrived not this year. Good argument this about November and the price of bitcoin this months. Then conclude all telling the most important fact about the reach of the price of bitcoin at 500 us dollar at November. "Maybe the end of the year we" (so him and him's friends) can hit the price 400 us dollar at the end of the year and not only this but even that the end will be closed with this price. So at December 31 the price of him and him's friends will reach 400 us dollar and then will last at this level all the long time until the end of the year. Have no other words to comments. Can't find.
Can exist more significant and argued post than the above about the reach of the price of bitcoin at 500 us dollar at November?
I don't want to comment that this kind of thread have reached the number of 45 pages. Every page full of facts and analytic comments about this important topic as it is the reach of the price of bitcoin at 500 us dollar at November.