I dont see how the transition towards other system could happen, but i still await a reply for this one: how in hell is capitalism supposed to function in the future then 99% of jobs are going to be automated by machines? I ask.
the actual system is called the united nations...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nationslook they "believe" to own the world, and to be able to decide which plants/animal/what ever, for sure not I my name...
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/13/United_Nations_Members.svg/320px-United_Nations_Members.svg.png Simple the united NATIONS is a pack of nations preying on the individuals, imagine your national gov supercharged. And now add the bad twist of the allowed foreigners, you get the super mix, ie all criminals together against you. Moreover like you see in the map now what do the PEOPLE DO? furthermore the embraces of the ctrl+p model of the usd on the sdr illustrates the "values" behind it. The American Dream is incompatible, in the sense that it
was based on individuals, free people, pursuit... blah blah. eat gmos, drink frak fluids, criminalize plant, take vaccine, watch implosion, population drop, etc etc... all by design. how to liquidate the us constitution and bor otherwise? the problem is that the American real leadership isn't innocent (and I don't speak of those executing it right now)... everything stops once in a while, it's called peace, or it isn't. and there is no defense (to be understand empire size) in peace. simple. there are still cops, but they are not global, nor national, but locals, ie they are from the people, by the people, for the people... frankly it's not so hard to get... you just like imagination, creativity and the will to execute the plan. what's the plan, depends on who you are. In Peace true plans don't involve armies (real, empirelike), nor violence, nor death of innocents etc etc etc. but you don't need global overlord to impose common sense, unless disguise in walking, like the co2 bs to impose un troops (inspectors) on China Soils, dream on... as guest, renters but not as master. it's not a warning. it's written. and you don't want to experience the transition from writing to
I tell you.