Gold is not an investment. It is an alternative of saving and storing the value of your money. No one became rich by buying gold, because only rich people buy it.
Thankyou, I really dislike people saying gold or Bitcoin even or the majority of crypto is a investment. Its just a holding, if I go out and purchase a barrel of oil I'm not invested as what I'm actually doing is speculating on an asset price rising.
If we own a gold miner then thats an investment, capital is deployed in working operations for profit or loss and so we are invested in business. Just holding a plain currency gives me no part in that production, the people who hold US Dollar notes are creditors to a debt at best but have no yield or return or rights for that note as its not linked to any contract worth.
Gold also, famously it has no counterparty and so that is its worth to be independent of many failings that can occur in other types of asset worth. But we are speculators, really my bet is the dollar is overvalued and gold under used as exchangeable worth. A rise in its holdings relative to world trade means the price rises greatly, possibly to 10,000 is feasible which is a big gain for something that never changes value.
Whats happened at 10,000 would be mostly about the fall of the dollar in usage and absolute value exchangeable for ordinary goods all the way down to bread and water
The point about only rich people is incorrect, gold is distributed around the world and is a natural resource that regularly reoccurs open to industry with low entry points. Its very ironic I'll agree but gold is less centralised then political FIAT currency
Gold was commonly held by ordinary public when notes were backed by it, they dont have to literally carry around the gold to be utilising its attributes in wealth preservation