franky1, I understand your fears. But let's take the case Bitcoin gets LN/sidechain-dependant - another cryptocurrency immediately could jump in and offer on-blockchain operations also for smaller payments.
but the thing is if an alt can handle XXmb and superlow fee's onchain.. then obviously cores doomsdays of not coping are foolish. so lets just make bitcoin great and not think altcoins and alternative networks are the solution
It could even be a Bitcoin fork (e.g. BU forking from Core intentionally). The "old" Bitcoin chain could then lose market share and the price would probably crash.
more like core will perform the intentional split.. only core devs have advocated they would do such.. no one else.
I think many stakeholders in the Bitcoin ecosystem won't allow this and will pressure eventually that a higher block size is allowed. As I've said in the other discussion we had, I would favor a relatively conservative approach, but even then we now as fast as possible need at least 1.5, if not 2 MB (in 2017).
'stake-holders' lol
they have no power.
NODES and pools .. you know the actual CODE maintainers, have an affect on what direction the code takes.
accepting devs empty promises and sitting on your hand hoping some rich guy (stakeholder) pulls out his blockstream investment in the hope it stops blockstream from commercialising peoples transactions into permissioned and locked multisigs. just wont work
infact it does the oposite.. if blockstream has to spend its reserves to let an investor exit.. then blockstream has to get deeper into its commercial services to get some more funds to refill the reserves to pay the other investors.
we should not be sheep and pretend/trust other people have morals. thats the whole point of bitcoin. we should not turn it into a system requiring trust.
consensus dynamic blocks can grow when the community is ready. we dont need to 'trust' that a dev will release X or Y in Z months. because having dynamic settings, the users can be in control and consensus of the majority move things.. not devs.
accepting devs empty one time gesture(segwit) that only works if we move our funds to their new p2wpkh or their permissioned p2wsh keys. and then be left waiting a long while for the hopes they at some point offer real decentralised scalability onchain(user defined dynamic settings). instead of their rush into commercialised p2wsh managed hubs. is not the route to go.
pretending that we should stand back and do nothing for the hopes some richguy pulls out their invests is not the route either.