No.Compared to all the other markets out there, Derivatives, stocks, precious metals, real estate etc. Bitcoin still is ridiculously small.
We will see several more bubbles in the near and far future.
So I recommend to buckle up and enjoy or hate the ride.
Correct. Bitcoin still have a very small market share. With the increasing of popularity, will increase investments, and with them will come a bubbles. We can see that the price after halving very quickly stabilizes, which means (that's my private opinion) that within a few weeks we can expect a bubble.
a bubble is not a simple rise because of the popularity or adoption of bitcoin, but instead a bubble means when the price suddenly rises a lot in a very short time. for example if price goes to $1500 in the next week that is called a bubble. but instead if the price rises to $1500 over 1-2 years and because of the adoption that is a simple rise because of popularity.