It is always better to think big. I would rather create a trust or try to invest in healthcare or education of a poor child. All quick helps will not last long. Educating one child by spending a $25000 or more will reap great benefits to the society in comparison with feeding a whole lot of people once with the same money. Though it is not bad to feed but it is better to invest in a system that more than once continually feeds.
Yes I will donate Bitcoin to the poor and needy the way I feel is best useful for them. One percentage of the income can always be set aside for donation. After all, life is short and it is best to help as much as we can.
It's good to always remember the poor in any venture we find ourselves.
it is always good to find ways to give back from the avenue which made you rich. so if bitcoin has made you a millionaire, there is nothing wrong with you giving what you can to help those who have not.