So it is a better idea to risk mega oil tankers from saudi arabia to cross oceans all the way to japan?
a zillion time better! (the bio accumulation/disintegration) is faster even if it's looks dirtier from the outside (even a full scale 10+ degree F is easier to solve). it's a risk assessment.
I believe the oil guys are quite unhappy when they lose only a drop, they are market based...
nuke industry is un-insurable. for giga tankers it's possible to calculate premiums...
Oil is a natural resource that is easy to recycle and has a zillion times less impact than nuclear energy. We all should welcome any future Deepwater Horizon oil spill like event a zillion times over because we can calculate premiums.
Also, we should all love the saudi's oil because we can calculate the ratio human rights/make me feel good to hate nuclear energy and conclude that some humans, especially saudi women, are not worth fighting for...