forget about all of that and go for a alternative technology with better features, once it is developed by all these banks? {Permissioned, private ledgers} They will obviously just copy the concept and
add some bells n whistles and then improve on scalability.
The governments will obviously make things easier for them and make it more difficult for Bitcoin, and then Bitcoin will start to lose ground and things will change in their favor. How do we stop that
or turn that against them? {The only solution I can see, is for us to educate the public and to prove to them that Bitcoin is better}
What will you do? Turn to a permissioned ledger, because things will be easier or stay with Bitcoin out of principle or because you support financial freedom?
not really bitcoin speaks for itself for me to trust. even if the government or any other company introduced a new technology better than bitcoin i will still be hesitant to use it.