In the world we have more than 200 countries and more than 200 national currencies.
in the same way, we can have in the future 100 or 200 or even more virtual currencies and even we can create Forex only for virtualo currencies and trade them, and make profit in process
What is wrong with that?
It's just concept that we should have only one virtual currency.
I hope that many other virtual currencies will follow, and that we can make profit from all of them
So you are saying the 200 national currencies of the old fiat system is a good thing? Just remember that most of these currencies had no other function than representing currency value. Bitcoin is the
token for it's currency value, but the Blockchain can be used to do so much more. I have nothing against other Alt Coins... it is actually beneficial to Bitcoin, when they fail and we can learn from their
mistakes and their success. I have a problem with all these other "private" Blockchains being developed for the banks.... They will market this stolen technology as their own invention and with the help
of governments... gain the lead.
If I switch, it will be out of principle to something with the same values and motivation as Bitcoin. { A public, permission less, decentralized and trustless network }