Phinnaeus, I would be concerned about offering a monetary prize to an organization based on a similar competition since it seems that the one with the most resources would be most likely to win. A foundation dedicated to helping bitcoin businesses and projects with grants might be more beneficial. With Satoshi Superstars, my twin primary goals are entertainment and exposing the uninitiated to the many facets of bitcoin.
I didn't take into consideration of the voting process when I made the suggestion, for my mind was stuck in the judges-making-determinations mode. Entertainment wouldn't be a problem with my idea, and it would expose Bitcoin related entities to the masses. Perhaps a tweak or two would make this work. Think Celebrity Apprentice modeled after The Apprentice. Think about it! That would make you the Donald Trump of Bitcoin. On second thought, just pass me another cup of that BitBrew.
Emus For Bitcoins
Your eccentric, Libertarian uncle recently passed away and mentioned you in his will. You and your cousins (Contestants) are gathered together to hear the details. His emu farm was the only thing of value he left behind and your uncle made provisions to leave it to only one descendant. You must present a business plan to the executors of his estate (Judges) outlining how you would not only maintain but grow the business accepting only bitcoins as a means of payment, according to your late uncle’s wishes. Assuming that the farm is currently only breaking even but has a good line of credit at the local bank, has no assets to speak of (other than the physical property and the emus) but no significant debt either, convince the Judges that you have the best plan to honor your uncle’s memory.
I'm liking this more and more. I would tackle this with my unique humor, coupled with my years of life experience, and I'll be golden. I'm going to give this a quick stab for humor purposes only.
Uncle Remus, on my mother's side, always expressed to me that he desired an emu petting farm, but unfortunately passed before seeing it to fruition. Fortunately for him, his oldest nephew, Phinnaeus, is about to save the day. The farm just happens to set within a region of the country where there's a large enough population base to support an emu petting farm. It will be named Uncle Remus's Emus and Alligators. The general populace won't be able to pet the alligators, for they're only there as added feature to make sure that the business plan doesn't fail. The patrons will be able to pet the emus and view the alligators. They'll be able to even feed the alligators by tossing them food. Of course, the alligators are pretty big animals and require a lot of food. Enter the emus. That's right! Since we all know that emus breed like rabbits, we are going to feed the alligators the extra emus. Now, this is where the real money rolls in. In the leather world, alligator hide brings in more revenue than emu hides, albeit we're talking about the black market, for selling alligator hides is illegal. I think you see where this is going, but I'll spell it out anyway: S-I-L-K R-O-A-D. For added income, located in the back of the farm, there'll be a chicken petting area for those into alternative life styles. With tears in my eyes, I can see Uncle Remus
rolling in his grave smiling.
So, correct me if I'm wrong. With a somewhat real business plan coupled with a little humor, a contestant could possibly garner more votes than other contestants if the story is enjoyable by the readers. This, I can get into. I sure the hell hope that Matthew doesn't get wind of this, for he'll be all over it like...
With this post, I formally toss in my Dr. Seuss hat to enter this contest, or do I have to go through the formality of formally applying?