I think this goes too far. As far as I have been following things that Trump said, he has mentioned crypto a couple of times for strategic reasons to gain some more votes as it could become very close, but I believe that many of the Bitcoin people are still skeptical whether he will fully stand behind the Bitcoin industry once he gets elected. I am not convinced to be honest. There wasn't all that much talk about it from his side. He just brought it up a couple of times, but more like a side topic.
The donation itself, well it could be meant in a manipulative way that Trump now makes very clear statements about Bitcoin and its future in the United States. He may think that more money might flow in for his election campaign. We will see how Trump will either honor this donation or just leave it as it is.
By the way, in a couple of days there is the first TV duel between Trump and Biden. I wonder if the topic will be brought up there.
Quoting myself here because now I think we have got our answer whether anyone of the two guys will bring up Bitcoin in that duel. Trump is a lier and probably anything but a Bitcoin supporter and Biden might have just forgotten about the topic during the show
Innovative technologies weren't even mentioned, so I guess a decentralized currency is very far down their agendas. It is more likely that Trump received a couple of Bitcoin donations and noticed that there are voters to be won.