2fa is an extra layer of your security, enabling that feature is on the part of the user and not by the site, if happened that he activate
this function then he needed to provide that code to access his account.
it's something that only he can resolve at his end, maybe he don't realize that or he's completey no idea
this kind of error message, looking forward that after reading this replies he'll be able to resolve this problem
and enjoy playing again inside this house.
Honestly having this kind of newbies in a casino is a very risky thing. If he was actually not aware of the 2fa that he has installed and used in order to activate it, and then thought that was a one time thing and now he doesn't realize that he needs it every single time he logs in? That would be pretty noob move, not realizing what 2fa is enough reason why people should not gamble, if you do not know what 2fa is, maybe before you gamble you may want to go out there and read about security of your accounts instead of focusing on what you can do with those accounts.
In any case I believe he will be helped to resolve his issues. However this is a marvelous way of showing no matter how strong wolf.bet or any other place helps you with your security, if you do not take the charge yourself and do your due diligence, you could be losing your account one way or another.