2X ATI Radeon R9 270X with latest 13.9.1 drivers.
My config:
"name": "CryptoNight",
"index": 0,
"corefreq": 1250,
"memfreq": 1250,
"fanspeed": 90,
"powertune": 20,
"threads": 1,
"rawintensity": 511,
"worksize": 8
"index": 1,
"corefreq": 1250,
"memfreq": 1250,
"fanspeed": 90,
"powertune": 20,
"threads": 1,
"rawintensity": 511,
"worksize": 8
With same config and drivers on version 0.3 I have no errors!
Oh, I forgot to say - system is Win7 Ultimate x64
Any suggestions?