
Topic: Worked our ASSES off to promote Bitcoin 16 hours/ day for 2 years. Today, banned (Read 1880 times)

Activity: 6
Merit: 0

I haven't decided my stance on that whole discussion.  But the way it's been handled is biasing the debate, as well preventing innovation.  It's contradictory to everything that Bitcoin is about.

Amen!! :-)

Plus it just gives fuel for rumor spreading and further divides the community when we all should work together to find a good solution!
Activity: 1162
Merit: 1001
Censorship and manipulation. Fuck you greedy cunts. Who cares about XT - the concept is applicable to miners. Be concerned that the dude in charge here is trying to shut down any time of discussion even if it isn't for the benefit of Bitcoin.
Activity: 114
Merit: 11
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods

Ok now it's going down, I've been a Bitcoin advocate for over 4 years and I and a lot of other enthusiasts aren't aloud to discuss Bitcoin on this forum any longer. The gold collapsing Bitcoin up thread has been moved to the altcoin section and subsequently locked. The argument from central control is we're debating about Altcoins.

This is an attempt to squish intellectual debate on the future of Bitcoin. Very sad that.

This thread was once posted on the Speculation board, right? Shit hits the fan. What's happening around the bitcoin ecosystem? Huh

Yes it was in Bitcoin/economics/speculation.

The discussion topical ot the relative board.

Ironically it was quit hostile to altcoins so funny to see it there.

Yes this is rather underhanded.

I see now why is this moved to altcoin, mainly because of the XT-posts on that thread. Majority of the last pages of the thread were about XT discusson. Mods and other users here regard XT as an altcoin that's why it was sent there.

XT is not an altcoin it's an an implementation of bitcoin and currently supports 10% of the bitcoin tragic, the discussion is not about XT per se, it's about support for the bitcoin network and all nodes that have the equivalent of BIP 101. just happens XT is the only implementation.  

What is being censored is what we are discussing and that is the use of central control to mitigate the problems of central control that is threatening Bitcoin, XT is the only viable option to mitigate that at this time.

I agree they may have a branding problem with their client, not sure if it's intentional or not.

I haven't decided my stance on that whole discussion.  But the way it's been handled is biasing the debate, as well preventing innovation.  It's contradictory to everything that Bitcoin is about.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods

Ok now it's going down, I've been a Bitcoin advocate for over 4 years and I and a lot of other enthusiasts aren't aloud to discuss Bitcoin on this forum any longer. The gold collapsing Bitcoin up thread has been moved to the altcoin section and subsequently locked. The argument from central control is we're debating about Altcoins.

This is an attempt to squish intellectual debate on the future of Bitcoin. Very sad that.

This thread was once posted on the Speculation board, right? Shit hits the fan. What's happening around the bitcoin ecosystem? Huh

Yes it was in Bitcoin/economics/speculation.

The discussion topical ot the relative board.

Ironically it was quit hostile to altcoins so funny to see it there.

Yes this is rather underhanded.

I see now why is this moved to altcoin, mainly because of the XT-posts on that thread. Majority of the last pages of the thread were about XT discusson. Mods and other users here regard XT as an altcoin that's why it was sent there.

XT is not an altcoin it's an an implementation of bitcoin and currently supports 10% of the bitcoin tragic, the discussion is not about XT per se, it's about support for the bitcoin network and all nodes that have the equivalent of BIP 101. just happens XT is the only implementation.  

What is being censored is what we are discussing and that is the use of central control to mitigate the problems of central control that is threatening Bitcoin, XT is the only viable option to mitigate that at this time.

I agree they may have a branding problem with their client, not sure if it's intentional or not.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1352
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods

Ok now it's going down, I've been a Bitcoin advocate for over 4 years and I and a lot of other enthusiasts aren't aloud to discuss Bitcoin on this forum any longer. The gold collapsing Bitcoin up thread has been moved to the altcoin section and subsequently locked. The argument from central control is we're debating about Altcoins.

This is an attempt to squish intellectual debate on the future of Bitcoin. Very sad that.

This thread was once posted on the Speculation board, right? Shit hits the fan. What's happening around the bitcoin ecosystem? Huh

Yes it was in Bitcoin/economics/speculation.

The discussion topical ot the relative board.

Ironically it was quit hostile to altcoins so funny to see it there.

Yes this is rather underhanded.

I see now why is this moved to altcoin, mainly because of the XT-posts on that thread. Majority of the last pages of the thread were about XT discusson. Mods and other users here regard XT as an altcoin that's why it was sent there.
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods

Ok now it's going down, I've been a Bitcoin advocate for over 4 years and I and a lot of other enthusiasts aren't aloud to discuss Bitcoin on this forum any longer. The gold collapsing Bitcoin up thread has been moved to the altcoin section and subsequently locked. The argument from central control is we're debating about Altcoins.

This is an attempt to squish intellectual debate on the future of Bitcoin. Very sad that.

This thread was once posted on the Speculation board, right? Shit hits the fan. What's happening around the bitcoin ecosystem? Huh

Yes it was in Bitcoin/economics/speculation.

The discussion topical ot the relative board.

Ironically it was quit hostile to altcoins so funny to see it there.

Yes this is rather underhanded.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1352
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods

Ok now it's going down, I've been a Bitcoin advocate for over 4 years and I and a lot of other enthusiasts aren't aloud to discuss Bitcoin on this forum any longer. The gold collapsing Bitcoin up thread has been moved to the altcoin section and subsequently locked. The argument from central control is we're debating about Altcoins.

This is an attempt to squish intellectual debate on the future of Bitcoin. Very sad that.

This thread was once posted on the Speculation board, right? Shit hits the fan. What's happening around the bitcoin ecosystem? Huh
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods

Ok now it's going down, I've been a Bitcoin advocate for over 4 years and I and a lot of other enthusiasts aren't aloud to discuss Bitcoin on this forum any longer. The gold collapsing Bitcoin up thread has been moved to the altcoin section and subsequently locked. The argument from central control is we're debating about Altcoins.

This is an attempt to squish intellectual debate on the future of Bitcoin. Very sad that.
Activity: 2548
Merit: 1054
CPU Web Mining 🕸️ on
They've been shitting on the altcoin section for years. I don't think anyone there likes the mods
Activity: 114
Merit: 11
Oh Please, do not be a drama queen. State your case here, and we can discuss it. Why were you banned from the
r\Bitcoin  Huh
I have been banned from several sub-reddits before for promoting Bitcoin and I am still around doing my thing.
It's one thing promoting a concept, but there are general rules and if you do not adhere to it, you will get banned.

The Bitcoin XT people are flooding r\Bitcoin with their propaganda now and it's getting annoying now, so the mods most probably banned people who brigade the sub with Bitcoin XT stuff to make a point.

Speak your mind, but do not force yourself and your opinion onto other people. They will decide on their own, which client they want to run.  

Who's being forced?  Posted a thread with my opinion, feel free to comment again and bump it, glad to speak my mind.
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1965
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
I hope anyone read this thread to TAKE ACTION and stop using /r/bitcoin. Also spread info on all of the social media channel to inform others

This is why we do not want to be part of the BitcoinXT group. The developer wants to be a dictator and some of the people who supports this, wants to force their opinion and will onto other people. We can make up our own minds. Thank you.

Do not hide behind a shill account meono and then talk smack like a child. We will just add you to our ignore list and then we do not hear your name calling anymore. Discuss this like a adult, and we will take you seriously.

We will use r/Bitcoin at our own discretion, until we feel it's not serving the goal it's intended.   
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Today our account was banned on r/bitcoin.  It's been a solid ride of two years, and LONG days guys.  I run,a Bitcoin directory with nearly 200 exchanges, over 100 wallets, and almost any service supporting Bitcoin.

Today, we are banned from r/bitcoin.  This has become a place of centralization, and the last few days are really starting to shine a bright light on what happens when you have a central failure point, in this instance, not only the mods, but specifically a few who also operate  this site coincidentally.

I am very happy to say, r/bitcoin has been deleted from our directory, as basically practicing everything Bitcoin as a whole promotes the direct opposite.  Bitcoin promotes freedom, critical discussion and opinion.  It does not promote centralization or overbearing community dictators.  

Proudly unsubscribed from r/bitcoin, I encourage others to follow suit.  A truly decentralized structure surely cannot thrive with its main community practicing a culture that is in direct contrast.  Healthy discussion and practice motivations come from conversing, ideas, debate... Not filtered opinions and biased content sharing.  Audios r/bitcoin.

You know theymos the moderator on r/bitcoin owns this forum too and has admin access to :-) I and 10,000 other bitcoiners appreciate your contributions.

This is crazy I think your luck is just a result of some moderators minions lack of experience.

Fix for you, their master only teach them one thing.: ban  and censorship
Activity: 1372
Merit: 1000
Today our account was banned on r/bitcoin.  It's been a solid ride of two years, and LONG days guys.  I run,a Bitcoin directory with nearly 200 exchanges, over 100 wallets, and almost any service supporting Bitcoin.

Today, we are banned from r/bitcoin.  This has become a place of centralization, and the last few days are really starting to shine a bright light on what happens when you have a central failure point, in this instance, not only the mods, but specifically a few who also operate  this site coincidentally.

I am very happy to say, r/bitcoin has been deleted from our directory, as basically practicing everything Bitcoin as a whole promotes the direct opposite.  Bitcoin promotes freedom, critical discussion and opinion.  It does not promote centralization or overbearing community dictators.  

Proudly unsubscribed from r/bitcoin, I encourage others to follow suit.  A truly decentralized structure surely cannot thrive with its main community practicing a culture that is in direct contrast.  Healthy discussion and practice motivations come from conversing, ideas, debate... Not filtered opinions and biased content sharing.  Audios r/bitcoin.

You know theymos the moderator on r/bitcoin owns this forum too and has admin access to :-) I and 10,000 other bitcoiners appreciate your contributions.

This is crazy I think your luck is just a result of some moderators lack of experience.

full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
I hope anyone read this thread to TAKE ACTION and stop using /r/bitcoin. Also spread info on all of the social media channel to inform others
Activity: 1582
Merit: 1006
beware of your keys.
r/bitcoin is toxic, it's full of high school kids that prefer to bash and berate other posters instead of focusing on anything constructive.
Let them boil in their own stew, it's better here at bitcointalk.
yes dud, at least we will not get our posts to be deleted by random reason, because they knew that in here they would be called admin abuse.
and we would have much more liberty.

we are under the unfair situation, we should probably assume that they are abusing their power(only those people who did not do their work accurately).
full member
Activity: 196
Merit: 100
Oh Please, do not be a drama queen. State your case here, and we can discuss it. Why were you banned from the
r\Bitcoin  Huh
I have been banned from several sub-reddits before for promoting Bitcoin and I am still around doing my thing.
It's one thing promoting a concept, but there are general rules and if you do not adhere to it, you will get banned.

The Bitcoin XT people are flooding r\Bitcoin with their propaganda now and it's getting annoying now, so the mods most probably banned people who brigade the sub with Bitcoin XT stuff to make a point.

Speak your mind, but do not force yourself and your opinion onto other people. They will decide on their own, which client they want to run. 

Yet you call that propaganda .... And censor any discussion is ok..... Hypocrisy much?
Activity: 1862
Merit: 1004
The best part is I wasn't.... have never added a post to that discussion, because I feel my technical skills are not enough to weigh in.  I shared a post titled "24 alternative forums and chats for Bitcoin discussion"

It was followed by a ban, then followed by a message that apologized for the ban, that I was now going to be unbanned in 3 days.  I will not be back, and will be promoting other mediums of discussion in the future. It' a shame... But perhaps the biggest shame is the fact that bitcoin relies on consensus.... To achieve consensus a community needs to have un bias discussion... There is going to be spammers, FUD, bullshit and all sorts of shit. but without seeing the shit, there is a HUGE bias within ANY debate.  As far as I am concerned, the discussion on reddit about all the latest topics including the blocksize, fork and xt client is basically useless, as there has clearly been a bias in the articles that have been filtered and without seeing both sides, the consensus is manipulated, or basically a false representation as all parties have not been able to voice opinion without a subjective approval.  r/bitcoin is basically useless in terms of quality discussion and moving in a positive direction that doesn't directly contrast with what Bitcoin stands for.
I feel you man. But we need to understand something, every internet forum with A LOT of users will sooner or later reach critical mass and troll and idiots will prevail while constructive posters will be minority.
I've seen identical comments about bitcointalk in the past. You can't have discussion on the highest level with only people who know what they are talking about and are programmers, economists and scientist.
Maybe your ban was a mistake? You tried to PM theymos about it? If this is only effect of you posting that "24 alternative forums and chats for Bitcoin discussion" post then I don't believe you were rightfully banned.
Activity: 1946
Merit: 1007
Oh Please, do not be a drama queen. State your case here, and we can discuss it. Why were you banned from the
r\Bitcoin  Huh
I have been banned from several sub-reddits before for promoting Bitcoin and I am still around doing my thing.
It's one thing promoting a concept, but there are general rules and if you do not adhere to it, you will get banned.

The Bitcoin XT people are flooding r\Bitcoin with their propaganda now and it's getting annoying now, so the mods most probably banned people who brigade the sub with Bitcoin XT stuff to make a point.

Speak your mind, but do not force yourself and your opinion onto other people. They will decide on their own, which client they want to run. 

It feels to me that the ban is not his only problem. The underlying problem is overmoderation of the reddit page.. It is doing more bad than good, and that is in nobodies interest...
Activity: 3542
Merit: 1965
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Oh Please, do not be a drama queen. State your case here, and we can discuss it. Why were you banned from the
r\Bitcoin  Huh
I have been banned from several sub-reddits before for promoting Bitcoin and I am still around doing my thing.
It's one thing promoting a concept, but there are general rules and if you do not adhere to it, you will get banned.

The Bitcoin XT people are flooding r\Bitcoin with their propaganda now and it's getting annoying now, so the mods most probably banned people who brigade the sub with Bitcoin XT stuff to make a point.

Speak your mind, but do not force yourself and your opinion onto other people. They will decide on their own, which client they want to run. 

Activity: 1442
Merit: 1186
r/bitcoin is toxic, it's full of high school kids that prefer to bash and berate other posters instead of focusing on anything constructive.
Let them boil in their own stew, it's better here at bitcointalk.
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