Moving abroad isn't an easy decision; there are several factors to take into account, with the most important one being the language barrier. I only speak English; moving anywhere apart from the USA and UK would be a huge challenge because I'd have to learn a new language from scratch. Moreover, you'd have to take into account the increasing living costs of Germany compared to Greece, which means that you must have saved enough money until you manage to get settled in one place.
Moving is as expensive as almost setting up a small business. There are other countries that speak English aside the US and UK. In addition, there are countries where they have a large international community, so they are lenient on learning their own language. Countries where English speakers are needed to help teach their kids in school English. The standard of living in countries differs from state to state. So, you have to move abroad, you need to consider moving to a state or province where the standard of living is relative low.
So far, in my opinion, the best option for work seems to be online, especially if it has flexible hours and a working schedule. You can work from wherever and whenever you want, provided you get the job done. Digital nomads have been increasing over the past few years, and it seems like a perfect opportunity that provides work-life balance. I believe that it's something that would suit my personal needs. I want to travel and explore as many destinations as possible, so working a regular 9-5 job with 20 vacation days per year isn't going to cut it.
This is another great option for people with digital skills. Those without any digital skills may have to spend another two years acquiring the skills to even gain an entry level position to be able to perfect the skill before considering online work. It is not easy so the individual will require some patience.
So yes, would you consider moving abroad for a better future? Would you try to find a way to stay in your country, either through online work or by accessing all possible opportunities?
No, I would stay in my country where I already have a 10 year plan which is already working out fine for me.