Have to confess that curiosity got the better of me one day a ways back and I did do a little sleuthing of my own .... after joining some dots here, colouring in between the lines there, tapping the networks, dabbling a little in the digital black arts, ouija boards ... to cut a long story short I think I have pretty good idea who satoshi (the bitcoin coder) was. It is one of those answers that when you are presented with it you will want to slap your forehead, hard, and go "doh! why did I not think of that" ... not obvious but hiding in plain sight in retrospect.
So while I have a pretty good idea, some tenuous facts, shaky reasoning, I can not unfortunately reveal who I think satoshi is, since they have made it clear they wish to remain anonymous and indeed advocate for net privacy in many other fields also (clue). And I respect these efforts immensely.
However, ultimately it is a free market of ideas and if donations/pledges of a suitably large enough BTC amount be made I would probably reveal what I know to be true and let the private chips and data trails fall where they may, so to speak.