you also pay much lower fee, for that 1M block only 0.5 btc, which is not even $200(and it was a sum of many transaction, if it was done with a single transaction, i'm sure it could have been much lower)
i doubt you can move $400M dollars with a so low amount of fee
If you have a high enough balance, you can easily move millions anywhere in the world without any fees using traditional banking. I use Schwab, my wire fees are waived for any amount and I have wired millions with no fee. For a traditional bank account, the average wire fee is $20 to $25 for any amount, it is not dependent on the amount of money you are transferring.
You can read this for more information: of Schwab's free wire transfers:"Wire transfer fee: With $100,000–$499,999 in Household Balances, you will receive three free online domestic wire transfers per quarter; with $500,000 or more in Household Balances, or 36 or more stock or option trades per year in Accounts of Your Household, you will receive three free domestic wire transfers per quarter."
Almost 1 trillion dollars is transferred via wire transfer every day in the United States.
Source: average of over 293,000 transactions are carried over Fedwire daily, transferring a daily average of over $841.4 billion. The average amount of funds moved by one Fedwire transfer is nearly $3 million, and the cost of one transfer is about 50 cents (see tables 2-2 and 2-3)