What's going on with your warranty? In the original terms and conditions we both agreed upon when I sent you tens of thousands of dollars it clearly stated that there was a 90 day warranty, but now it's suddenly 30 days. Not only that you're sending out e-mails offering to "double" the warranty to 60 days if we pay $3500 per unit for hosting.
CoinTerra’s partnership with TerraMine Hosting has enabled us to make a limited-time offer to apply the pre-paid shipping fees for your TerraMiner hardware against the cost of a 6 or 12 month hosting plan. This offer expires at midnight on November 22nd 2013.
Some of the benefits of hosting your TerraMiner with TerraMine Hosting include:
Tier-3 compliant data center with 99.98% uptime guarantee.
The warranty period on your TerraMiner is doubled from 30 to 60 days.
You've been CLEARLY stating that it's a 90 day warranty even on your own forums:
http://forum.cointerra.com/threads/do-you-offer-a-warranty.21/ So why the hell am I suddenly being e-mailed an offer to pay you another $7000 to "double" my warranty to 60 days with hosting? There have been no e-mails whatsoever to existing customers that there's been a change in the length of warranty, but now you're e-mailing asking us to pay more money to get a 60 day warranty. WTF?!?
And why is there even a change in the warranty length?!? Was there some hardware issue that's causing less reliability than originally anticipated? You guys are being completely opaque and secretive about these changes and this is not how this is supposed to work. You guys are acting shadier than BFL with warranties here and not telling anybody about it. Your own forums still say it's 90 days so what the hell is going on?