You guys strayed wide off topic again, the question remains: Why is the US raping the rest of the world and how long are they gonna take it.
The US is top-dog in the Anarchic hierarchy, of course. They are the world police, the biggest bully on the block, they have the biggest military and the most guns. Therefore, when negotiations and other formal niceties break down, they can just say "do what we say, or else!" The world is going to keep taking it until someone else becomes top-dog. The only other contenders I can think of right now are China, Russia, maybe some kind of revitalised British empire if they can get all those Commonwealth countries obediently onside. A couple of other possibilities: Spanish, French, Portuguese, or Japanese empires. As Germany demonstrated in the last century, they're all sleeping giants with no apparent interest in dominating the world, therefore anything can happen
Alternatively, instead of thinking about the world along country lines, we can focus on language and other aspects of culture. How do cultures develop and spread? People participate in them. They go there, live there, work there, speak the language, and make babies.In the XX century the US culture spread around the world for a variety of reasons, not just because of force. It has been running out of steam for a while so it'll change eventually.
New British Empire? I don't think so. The Commonwealth is a joke. It's more of a formality than an alliance. Maybe Canada and Australia would hop on board but I could never see India or Pakistan following the UK. Going against the US would also destroy its economy, as the US is its largest trading partner.
China will not go against the US because it would be economic suicide for both countries. The majority of their economy which has allowed them to become a relevant power is based on trade with the US. The US is the only trading partner with a bigger economy than China, so China would have a tough time finding a partner who can keep up with an economy of 1.3 billion people. Meanwhile the US will need to find another source of cheap labor, which may be fairly easy (India, perhaps?), but will certainly lead to a depression in the interim.
Russia simply is not powerful enough. It is a shadow of the USSR. If they couldn't keep their territories like Georgia and Chechnya under check how can they be expected to defeat the most powerful country on Earth?
Spain has one of the worst economies in Europe, so they have no chance whatsover.
France is doing well economy-wise but has not been a strong military power since WWI.
Portugal is irrelevant on the world stage.
Japan has no offensive military, so good luck to them.
Germany does control the EU, however they're too busy babysitting Greece, Spain, Italy and Cyprus to do anything. If they could turn the EU into something actually representing a "Union" they might be able to contend with the US. The EU is the largest economy, so were it to unify into one body it is possible for it to go against the US. The EU is also fairly self-sufficient, however until it shows that it can act as a unified body and not a bunch of squabbling second-rate nations it will never be able to contest US dominance.