I am following this drama for quite a few days. Now that I am out of popcorn, and my hands are clear, I would like to quickly jump in and add my 2
cents satoshis. (just joking of course about the popcorn part, LOL
I will only focus on the escrow/delivery aspect since the way that this auction was handled is another story.
Tecshare does not need to provide you with any kind of proof of sending the funds to the escrow. They do not even need to inform you, or anyone else that they actually sent those funds. This is the reason for using an escrow (peace of mind). It is escrow's responsibility to confirm that they received payment from the buyer, and letting you know that those funds are now securely hodl, and you can now proceed with the dispatching of the item. Even the part of info that escrow received the funds is unnecessary. All you need to know is a CONFIRMATION from escrow that the $100 is waiting for you upon arrival of the parcel. From that point and onwards, you do not have to (if you feel like) interact again with the buyer. All the communication will be between you and the escrow.
If you need real proof of funds existence, you may ask the escrow to sign a message from an addy that holds at least $100 in btc, as a proof of funds (not particularly the addy that the buyer sent the funds to, but any addy that the escrow has control). However, a reputable escrow might even refuse to provide you with such a request, since... well.... if you do not trust the escrow, then what is the point of using them?
the second confirmation that you actually need, is from the escrow again, after receiving & examing the parcel. then you will receive the escrow funds.
I clearly do not understand why you are making things very complicated. Why do you actually need Tecshare TxiD? as a confirmation that user actually sent the funds? As said, you do not need this. Even (in the extreme situation) that buyer did not send the funds to escrow, but escrow gives you a confirmation of funds being held in escrow, you will still receive your money. In that case, uppon parcel delivery, escrow will personally be responsible/liable to send you funds (even from own pocket money).
You can clearly understand that you need to trust (more or less) the escrow, in order for the whole transaction to work out.
Well thank you for your 2 cent's I do take on board your points but at the end of the day everyone says I have to trust trust trust... Did you not think maybe I would feel more comfortable sending out the product knowing the escrow was holding the funds?
I do not see why I should feel comfortable knowing basically nothing other than a shipping address and being told by mob rule I should just trust without verifying not to someone who has never dealt with either the buyer or the escrow I thought it would be a reasonable request to have proof funds were send or are with the escrow.
I was indeed send proof of payment to the other escrow by Last of the V8's so why should this bar be any different?
The whole just trust and don't verify thing is beyond me but again I have agreed dew to pressure to just send to the escrow without proof even though I have made it clear I am uneasy with that situation..
Also another user here supports me saying that it's is normal practice for the seller to be furnished with the funding address.
So mixed signals right across the forum are my reason for feeling uneasy with this matter.
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.53886116At the end of the day both party's should feel comfortable with the transaction not just the Buyer but again I will put my very valid concerns aside and ship the bar.
I have taken the advice of the community and will be shipping the bar to Tecshare via MJ escrow without proof of funds so I look forward to being able to put this entire saga behind us.