Seems to be random. But I really don't know if it went off @ 7:01 PM last night as I walked out or 8:45 AM this morning just before I walked in
If you have a chance please flash the firmware.bin file located at:
The update can be performed through the web portal->settings->update firmware
This build includes the ticker updated time which should provide some more information on what could be happening. (thanks BitcoinMitchell for putting the effort into the project)
Also, if possible, can you let me know the wifi signal strength of the device? (setup->status->network signal) I suspect it may be getting stuck while fetching the tickers.
Updated the firmware.
Signal -40dBm
Will keep you posted about the going to the attempting to connect screen.
And it turns out it looks like I have a dead line of pixels on top or is this just the way it's being displayed?