Quick update for you all. It has been pointed out that when you got around to dumping/selling your GBT that the price is lower. The thing is I cannot control the price of GBT at any given time all I can do is pay the equivalent rate at the time of finishing counting, I updated the thread when this was. The buys were piling up at 1800+ and the sell wall was at 2000+, I gave a little room and valued at 1800.
There must have been members instantly dump there GBT when they received it which is a shame because if you done any research on the project you're advertising you would quickly realize it is worth holding, but anyway as you please.
Why did the guy with 44 posts get a bonus? Because imo he had the best quality and amount in the sections we're looking for. The majority of the guys with over 50 had either a lower amount in said sections with lower quality. For guidance I refer you to goal 2 which is more important than 3 which is why it is two.
Thanks for your understanding and please if you feel you don't want to be paid in GBT I'd like you to find a campaign you are happy with.
Hmm ... u starting a Campaign and u even not Full Member... But want your Users that enroll the Campaign to have the minimum status Full Member?
no sense

This posts makes little to no sense. Once you understand the concept behind signature advertisement you would not need to post such a post. The majority of users from Newbie to JR have no idea of the forum and we are looking for guys who have an idea of gambling/alts for obvious reasons. That aside come back in a week and a few days and you can see me as a member and you will see much change because of that promotion in rank

Thanks for your understanding.
Everyone else you're more than welcome!