relax dude, this campaign has a manager and believe it or not he is only human and doing what he can, so you should wait.
in the last page i read him saying i have like 40 PMs everyday, and that is hard to go through each one and reply and everybody wants to get answers right away.
also today is the payment day so he would be doubly busy going through all the posts and checking them.
Red-Apple, you got it in one pal thank you.
Cmon man!. My post ignored and my private message also ignored. I think you really need a manager here for many applicants are ignored and I think you got a lot of pm's that are not seen.
At least tell them that they are not accepted. Thank you again.
Ignored? Why would I do that? Its called missing a post and has happened twice m8, I would have come to your pm eventually. Its a funny thing, I do not live on this forum. Anyway your enrollment is denied.
COUNTING is now starting, payments will follow very soon after the last member posts have been counted

EDIT: All payments have been made, please contact me should you have any issues. Thank you, was impress with many of your posts and will be speaking with the team to see if we can arrange some kind of bonuses next time around

Watch this space.....
Keep clutching at straws. First there was 5 excluded posts, (wrong as proven) then there was I told you I was angry, (wrong) then you tell me when I started counting posts without realizing around the world there are many timezones and you are obviously in a different one to the one I reside in.
I'm glad you're happy that you got paid even though you never followed the rules to qualify to make payment. I will not be replying anymore to you from now. Thanks for your contribution to the campaign and for following the rules

You counted 25 posts when it's 26 posts, you are obviously angry that I made you re-count, why else would you kick someone out of a campaign because of this? (any answer to this that isn't admitting you were angry would further prove my point).
Your rules are conveniently ambiguous. You don't even state when the counting begins in the OP (if you don't tell at what hour and timezone then it's useless).
You also didn't state at first that there is a minimum post requirement of 10 posts (5 on the gambling alt section and 5 on the gambling section, which you have edited recently saying "to make payment") after sending me this PM:
Just checked some randoms peoples recent posts and come to yours. You are not on target to make payment if you do not post 5 in the gambling section by the time I start counting tomorrow.
Anyway, good luck with your campaign, im not wasting a single minute again with this. And anyone participating, remember to not doubt this guy's counting or you will get kicked.