The key point is an incentive to buy and the right price and volume to sell but the less bagholders the better however having a community wallet to absorb the surplus and stake for structural funding is like having a community crypto bank or savings account and maybe that can be used as an investment fund in other innovative coins later to build xbc wealth etc and disperse back into the community staking wallets as dividends.Also any technologies you develop or whatever you invest in should be held as an asset by xbc but you would have to look into how that is done in the crypto world by way of autonomous company or something.
You make a good point about bittrex... Egghead, what are the other options that you've looked into as far as exchanges go? Get a hold of me on skype. I'll be around all day...
We've thrown around a lot of good ideas and we have coins. The marketplace idea is great, but I'm a little concerned and confused about the funding side...