Reserving Coins in Your Wallet so that they are always available.Submitted by xbcadmin on Thu, 02/11/2016 - 17:52
Bitcoin Plus - XBC is a hybrid Proof of Stake and Proof of Work Coin. However Only XBC coins can be generated using the Proof of Stake. As soon as coins are in your wallet and mature (24 hours) they start to 'Stake'. During the process coins will move from Spendable to Stake inside the XBC Wallet. Only the Spendable amount can be sent from the wallet. This can be a pain when you want to send some XBC to an exchange and find that you cant because the coins are 'locked in'.
There is a feature in the Bitcoin Plus Wallet that allows you to reserve some coins so that they will always remain on reserve and available. See Screenshots below on how to set this feature up.
Setting up your BitcoinPlus [XBC] wallet for messaging
In order to start using your new wallets messaging over heightened security features you will need to create a public key.
Open your wallet and go to Help>Debug>Console
In the box enter the following command:
smsgscanchain and wait until wallet returns the response:
Scan Chain Completed Then enter:
smsggetpubkey "your receiving XBC address"
Example if your address is : BLo8EAZzVsnGnvrb4i1GnHVv1bSMRemejp then the command would be
smsggetpublickey BLo8EAZzVsnGnvrb4i1GnHVv1bSMRemejp
A compressed public key will now be active on the network for this address and now you are ready for P2P messaging over the XBC network.
How Do I Make a .conf File For My Bitcoinplus Walletbitcoinplus.confIf after starting the Bitcoinplus Wallet for the first time and there are no connections to the network you may have to create a configuration file. Usually you will not have to do this as the wallet will automatically connect. However if after 30 minutes there are still no connections then follow these instructions -
1) Open notepad, and copy/paste the nodes listed on the Opening Post on the Bitcointalk Forum Post ( or ask any team member for a list of current nodes), and save as
bitcoinplus.conf2) Then, if using Windows, save the the file in the "c:\users\"yourusername"\appdata\roaming\bitcoinplus" folder. Keep in mind that this is a hidden folder by default.
Windows Tip:To locate the executable bitcoinplus files in roaming enter
%appdata% into your windows search box.
How Do I Find The Private Key And Import To New Wallet?For private keys lets use
example address
B539KQtetSJRZo3JJLc1XRNEZRzGyVgU2W. So in this case ........
-Start your XBC wallet
-If it is locked just unlock it but uncheck "For staking only"
-Go to menu Help > Debug window > tab Console
-In bottom input box type the following line and press enter "
dumpprivkey B539KQtetSJRZo3JJLc1XRNEZRzGyVgU2W"
Write down code returned on few papers / files / whatever and keep it safe, that is private key for address B539KQtetSJRZo3JJLc1XRNEZRzGyVgU2W
Later if your HDD fails again, computer ends up stolen or something like that just use "importprivkey privatekey label"
To import address to some other XBC wallet. Label is name for address that will be imported, it can be anything you want.
How Do I Import My Private Key Into A New Bitcoin Plus - XBC WalletThis is a follow on article to the previous article we obtained the private key to a Bitcoin Plus - XBC address that contained 20 coins. In this article we are going to import this private key into a NEW wallet.
1. Go to Menu - Debug Window - Console Tab
2.In the console prompt write importprivkey privatekey label where private key is the private key you previously obtained and label is the name of the wallet. This can be anything you want to call it.
Then press enter. You should see the coins imported immediately into the new wallet.