Cryptopia being the "potpourri" of the crypto sphere IMO.
I'v always heard listing a coin on Poloniex is harder than doing so on Bittrex, I think the listing fee is 1 BTC there.
any thought on this ?
Cryptopia and coinexchange are fine.Many users are having major issues with Bittrex and they also want an upfront $10K fee to cover whatever they imagine are checks without any guarantee of a listing.Thats a non starter.HiBTC are having issues and livecoin want around $24k for a listing with bitcoin at these prices.Poloniex are our primary exchange and we never had any issues for many years now.It speaks for itself.We do continuously update exchanges with our developments but its up to them if they want to list us.Next big thing will be decentralized exchanges so thats the way we want to go.Decentralized exchanges have many advantages unlike some centralized exchanges who can