Sorry guys for bothering again, but there is still something i wanted to ask You about.
I know our dev is working on enabling the wallet's internal messaging by-default.
And while i believe easy functionality is a good thing per se, i'm still a little worried about it's safety & security implications, especially for 24/7 staking nodes.
I admit i'm unable to assess, whether the messaging enabled by-default feature will mean a higher risk exposure to hacks or an increase of potential attack area.
But IF it will even mean just a SLIGHTLY higher risk of accounts (public keys) being spied upon, or having their IP's or onion-IP's sniffed out, for example by
unwanted incoming messages, SPAM or even outspoken threats,
i hope it's not too late already, to propose and appeal to our dev, to at least include a checkbox in the properties, for completely disabling the messaging.
I mean in a way, that when its disabled over the checkbox, that the messaging feature connection cannot be established and is permanently interrupted,
so that when disabled it's basically missing all the needed console commands (like in previous wallet version) which it needs to work.
In case the messaging is disabled, the data packets containing the message information should not even make it through to the other side,
and not that these data packets are coming through, regardless of checkbox setting, and are just not being displayed if disabled. I think you know what i'm trying to say.
I was thinking specifically about the security of accounts holding 50+ coins (but after further price increases, even accounts with less coins might feel concerned or get nervous),
and of course always-on staking nodes, whose operators simply do not need or not even want enabled by-default messaging.
I hope you will forgive me, if you think i wrote something stupid, but please consider, not all wallet users might feel the same about the messaging feature,
and the users will increase a lot over time.
Please also include the following providers on your list of payment-processors for a possible future integration:
https://www.altaccept.com/https://www.edigicash.co/https://www.expresscoin.com/https://gourl.io/Thanks for your attention and the continued efforts.