I will also push for community involvement and try to get you all an in depth description of the problems we were having and what was causing them so you can help analyze the flaws and help to build a system that can accomplish what we originally set out to build.
U have 3 different algos (PoT, PoP and PoI) that contribute to the total "weight" of a node/account and determine who will forge next block? If this is the case then I suggest to split all blocks into 3 different types. Let blocks 0, 3, 6, 9, ... be forged with pure PoT, blocks 1, 4, 7, 10, ... - with pure PoP and blocks 2, 5, 8, 11, ... - with PoI. This will work as an alloy. Once the network starts diverging on the latest PoT block the next PoP will force it to converge again and the following PoI block should help a little too. So, if PoP and PoI work well enough then PoT issue should be mitigated, of coz, u have to have activity (purchases and merchant registrations) that lets PoP and PoI to take place.