We are goint to 10k, so buy now, or regret in one week.
tell to people who bought at 3800
They shouldn't worry. If you look back in the thread, you'll see this conversation happening at the 1400 price point, then at 1800, then at 2400, now at 3800... it'll get there again and become the balance point sooner or later, if this coin really continues growing and delivering.
If anybody's curious, the final numbers from my pre-launch sweep buys are 5.12M XCR purchased at an average of 2950 satoshi each, starting from zero XCR in hand at a 2200 satoshi exchange rate. That's almost exactly three XCR IPO maximum individual allotments for a 5% total stake at 3.35 times the IPO price of 880 satoshis. I missed the IPO several weeks ago. Time will tell if I got a hodl deal today, or not.
For way of comparison, an IPO 5% stake in NXT (its maximum individual allotment) cost 1 BTC at 2 satosi each. A week after the NXT IPO closed, 2Kool4Skewl purchased one-third of a NXT IPO maximum individual share at 100 satoshis each - a 50X price bump in seven days. Today NXT is 6000 satoshi each after coming down from a recent high of around 12,000 satoshis each. 2Kool4Skewl made 60-120 times his money after paying a 50X premium for NXT a week after its launch. NXT itself has gone up by a factor of 3000-6000 since its launch 10 months ago.
Remember that XCR is ten times rarer than NXT. If XCR is as successful as NXT has been to date, its unit price in ten months should be ten times NXT's price now, or 60,000-120,000 satoshi.
And XCR has 750 BTC ($375,000) from the IPO for dev team "salaries" and a 15% holdback of coins (currently worth $150,000 or so) for product development - neither of which NXT had at its start. There are other advantages in XCR's favor as well.
Most of all, XCR has an emphasis on the CRYPTOCURRENCY part of "2nd Generation Cryptocurrency", with the intent of having merchants accept the coin so it can become electronic money among users. In contrast, NXT is mainly focused on various crypto asset exchanges. Nothing wrong with that - but there's a lot more people with smartphones out there who want to buy a hamburger than an electronic stock certificate.
I'm hodling. XCR is going in a new and exciting direction, following the "road not taken" by NXT - and that will make all the difference.