Just updated to v1.38 due to a minor bug..
All of the updates address specific items in the XNode code..
Part of that change requires a new wallet label called MIXER w/the XC's in it
The user guides will be updated first thing tomorrow morning to include these changes
Try and be less vague, what exactly is a "wallet label"
I've been running an xnode since they came out and last got any payment for doing so on 3rd June (updating wallets as soon as they come out), I never had any "wallet label" named MIXER, my wallet was unlocked for staking only & I simply ran the xnode mainnet batch file. What you are saying implies this has changed, where is the changelog for each new wallet release? Please clarify this, I am by no means a crypto newbie but you need to be more specific with details of how the software you are releasing needs to be configured.