I will pay 0.1 BTC to ONE person who FIRSTLY identify sender address called "1" until tomorrow 10:00 AM NY TIME (EDT)
tomorrow 10:00 AM NY TIME (EDT) or a bit later I post some screenshots of my wallet and transactions...
see what happens
time went... tic tic tic
and btw sorry for my bad English if my English is bad =)
I send 1 real XC to address XSQYYwgVVYoGyc23NCTcCvQRCNiidarU71 using:
sendfrommixer "1" XSQYYwgVVYoGyc23NCTcCvQRCNiidarU71 1.0
you are a saint
post your answers on topic (NOT PM)
I cant solve the bounty problem. Coin appears to be very anonymous!