+ 1000, it works!!
Thank you guys for the support, If anyone has doubts about the XC community, they need to check themselves.
Really means a lot to me guys.
Thank you so much
its a special type of hemp plant thats the best to use all hemp plants can be used needs a right balance between CBD and THC 50% CBD and 50% thc ( most plants are grown to have a high amount of THC )
http://www.rollingstoned.nl/wietolie-geneest-borstkanker/ < dutch article of it bieng prooven to cure some type,s of breast cancer
tough any hemp type is useble ( some heve better effects as others ( research this )
to extract the hemp oil yourself @ home watch this video
this is the butane version
then mix the hemp oil 10% and 90% olive oil ( dont drop it pure ) and then take 1-3 drops a day
if u want more info pass me a pm and ill hook u up whit everyting i know about it