It's not FUD. There's no fear, uncertainty, or doubt about it. More than half of all coins were mined when ducknote had a lower hashrate than any other Crytponote coin (except maybe quazar or fantomcoin which are dead/dying), even lower than the obvious scam bytecoin.
1. There is NO matter what hashrate was! The matter is the number of initial ordinary XDN workers and miners.
You should understand the fact - hashrate and difficulty is nothing if coin is mined by 2-3 Huge miners.
Each day, each coin has determinate coins amount mined. E.G. currently XDN has ~ 360blocksPer24Hour*40000XDN_blockReward=14400000 XDN/day. And this value will stay just about that amount until next halving, and neither difficulty of network hashrate can change it. Because network is scalable.
The main thing about duckNote XDN = DarkNote XDN is the number of initial miners. and coin units of value decentralization among ordinary users.
DarkNote XDN has a perfect decentralization not only because of biggest workers/miners number since the blockchain start in all CN coins, but because of reasons described bellow.
2. duck->Dark quantum was planned long time ago. duck phase was made to spread the hashrate, coins and information among ordinary users with low hashrate. Also we worked on GUI, and presented first HTML-only GUI wrapper for simplewallet. Bruce asked you "don't concentrate on the finger".
3. XDN was and is presented on major exchanges since the early beginning. duckNote XDN = DarkNote XDN is and was widely traded, with really huge cumulative month and daily volumes and giant number of trades with hundreds of thousands small trades. If you don`t want to believe all army of miners who mined XDN since the first blocks, you should notice, that there was thousands of trades that decentralized XDN units of value among Worldwide users.
4. XDN has the most honest, fair and public launch among all cryptocurrencies, announce was made at the time of 1st block generation on major cryptocurrency resources, including bitcointalk. There was no time to prepare for huge miners.
5. In fact, not theory XDN has the most successful launch among all CN coins, because thousands of miners joined network on the 100-200 block height. You can`t find other CN coin with so fast hashrate rising with so many small workers since the beginning. Please, explore XDN initial hashrate expanding.
6. XDN if a perfect example of libertarian economy, major coins are in circulation, so people can use it. That is it. Decentralization. It is hard to influence DarkNote network now and value of XDN units of value can`t be manipulated by miners, only the decision of miners matters, but not their price manipulation.
7. You should learn the basics of cryptocurrencies, its philosophical and economic aspect, it is not about prices and gold rush mining, it is about freedom and future of how people act.
P.S. We are working on incredibly major stuff.