http://digitalnote.orgLadies and Gentlemen, We are happy to announce news you were waiting for. That is a significant step for a cryptocurrency community. Today we announce DarkNote XDN - the next step of well know duckNote XDN. You may call it rebranding. XDN ticker and network stays the same, duck goes Dark and never come back. But that is not the only news we announce today. With the new name DarkNote got new unbelievable features and improvements.
IntroDucktion. DarkNote XDN blockchain launch was public and fair. First XDN block HASH:e7439... was generated on 30 May 2014. XDN was launched as duckNote cryptocurrency to spread the hashrate and information about new anonymous CryptoNote based cryptocurrency among ordinary users and cryptocurrency community. Smart Economy with original supply curve, proved fair decentralization, brilliantly scaled network specifications, user friendly cross platform GUI wallet and lots of network improvements was brought by XDN in duckNote appearance. In the mid September 2014 XDN was big enough to go to the next step. duckNote was renamed to DarkNote, as many of XDN community members have assumed. With the new name XDN received new DarkNote-only unique features, like encrypted messages, encrypted transaction comments, GUI wallet transfers aggregation, lots of source code and network improvements. That made DarkNote look like a familiar Internet banking system, but decentralized and privacy protected.
XDN quantum leap. Duck goes Dark. duckNote turns into a DarkNote. Yes, we made it. duckNote community made a great effort to spread a knowledge about XDN around the World. duckNote did the trick. Now community has extremely fairly launched anonymous ASIC-resistant, decentralized cryptocurrency. Now we have investors, XDN and liberty believers. And today duckNote makes its quantum leap. duckNote name turns into DarkNote, as many of us might guess. With the new updated name XDN developers brought new XDN only features, made from scratch to improve XDN.
DarkNote brings new strongest cryptography and unbelievable features. 19 September 2014 is a day of XDN quantum leap. Is was big enough and that day duckNote was renamed to DarkNote, as it was planned. Both XDN units of value and XDN network was decentralized enough to present the following unique features, based on new cryptography.
DarkNote Client is a Wallet, Untraceable Encrypted Messenger and Wallet Pool Miner DarkNote brings new level of anonymous software. Now you can send and aggregate payments, mine XDN, send encrypted messages just with your DarkNote client.
Encrypted Transaction Comments XDN brings new level of features and privacy protection and offers untraceable, unlikable, anonymous encrypted transaction comments. You can comment each transfer you make and only recipient can decrypt it.
Encrypted Messages You can send encrypted messages via DarkNote client on every XDN network address.
Simplewallet improvements DarkNote is secured by strongest cryptography, every transaction is confirmed by thousands of computers in decentralized network. Your transactions, messages or balance watching is impossible.
Wallet Pool miner You can pool mine XDN just from your DarkNote client with "Start Mining" button. You can target your Wallet miner on any XDN open-source pool or just use pre configured.
Blockchain is moved out of RAM DarkNote blockchain was moved out of RAM to provide easy start for an average user on any hardware.
Work that was done - New cryptography for Encrypted TX Comments and Encrypted messages feature.
- Encrypted TX Comments and Encrypted messages DarkNote GUI Client implementation.
- Transfers aggregation DarkNote GUI Client implementation.
- Wallet Pool Miner DarkNote GUI Client made from scratch.
- Move blockchain out of RAM
- Export/Import private keys in paper format with DarkNote GUI Client.
- Fee ranging improvements
- Reset command for simplewallet
- Transaction history for simplewallet
- Transaction priority based on tx fee
- Fast wallet sync
- Tons of improvements
DarkNote for Bright future. Freedom is a heart of DarkNote. You, and nobody else know your DarkNote address balance, incoming and outgoing transfers, and only receiver of your transactions can decrypt your transaction messages. DarkNote blockchain has an analysis resistance, unlike Bitcoin, DarkNote is a fully anonymous and you stay protected against hackers, gangsters and any kind of censorship. If fact only you know how many XDN funds you have and nobody can stop you to spend it, but all transfers are confirmed by decentralized Proof-of-Work network.
DarkNote network resources.
Communityhttp://darknotetalk.orgBlock - - - - - poolshttps://minergate.com Client.