There is a 30mBTC freebet or 90 mBTC (for 1 BTC + bankroll), as long as players have made the minimum amount of bet slips during the competition.
No, that is not true. Rules changed just after competition was already over !
I haven't received 90, but only 30mBTC, even I played with bigger bankroll
I will see if there is any problem, rules did not change. If you read the OP you will see they are the same.
That I was thinking until today, but can't trust DirectBets any more, since they just made up this rule after competition ended !
Such bad experience, I am sad that this has to end that way
That rules isnt new, that rule has been up for a month already and you probably didnt check the rules and now you are here in rage lol
Which rule are you talking about ?
You obviously really don't know, what was the problem here !