I'm interested in Monero and love the concept but someone I respect objects to it for the following reasons:
- it uses eliptic curve cryptography, which is known to be a method of choice when the NSA wants you to use something they can break and others can't
WRONG, NSA backdoored Dual_EC_DRBG random number generator library, which just so happens to be elliptic curve. It was added as a default library in some of the most secure programs and was pushed into the NIST release. Also by being in this library release on systems (like winblows) that did not use it as default left an attack vector that all they had to do was change the library being used (simple regkey in winblows) and you would never know you were using a compromised library. Actually eliptic curve is used to defeat various attack vectors the NSA uses so you should get your facts straight.
As estimated by the authors behind the Logjam attack, the much more difficult precomputation needed to solve the discrete log problem for a 1024-bit prime would cost on the order of $100 million, well within the budget of large national intelligence agency such as the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). The Logjam authors speculate that precomputation against widely reused 1024-bit DH primes is behind claims in leaked NSA documents that NSA is able to break much of current cryptography.[3]
To avoid these vulnerabilities, authors recommend use of elliptic curve cryptography, for which no similar attack is known. Failing that, they recommend that the order, p, of the Diffie–Hellman group should be at least 2048 bits. They estimate that the pre-computation required for a 2048-bit prime is 109 more difficult than for 1024-bit primes.[3]
If NSA is breaking Diffie–Hellman, but has not pushed for US sites to upgrade to longer keys, then it would be an example of NSA's NOBUS policy of not closing security holes that NSA believes only they can exploit.
- ECC can trivially be broken by a quantum computer
This is just so much of a joke of a statement it doesn't warrant a response. A sufficiently large qubit QC will break any cryptography period.
- It uses many constants in the crypto that aren't "nothing up my sleeve numbers”. This is one of the main ways to make crypto breakable by only the organization who chose the constants.
By selectively omitting commonly selected numbers you can increase the randomness strength of elliptic curve.
- the constants were created by an author that only goes by a pseudonym
So what? Kinda like
Satoshi Nagasaki?
- NSA has recently started trying to move federal systems away from ECC, ie they are likely aware of a weakness in it that may soon be exploitable by others
They are preparing for QC realities and have admitted that Suite B is inadequate to the task, why this is in your argument against Monero is anyones guess.
Can anyone please address these concerns? Thanks in advance.
READ THIS, You can tell you friend a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.